

Google Plus Stuns With New Logo

The news has been bleak for Google Plus lately with the ever threatening possibility of closing it down but yet they come out with this stunning new logo design. Simple, sleek but yet fun. Here's to hoping Google Plus does not go away.

New Google Plus Logo Design 2015

Michael Newhouse
WCN group


Pretty Doesn't Always Win In Web Design

Web design is on constant motion. Websites need to be fluid, conversive and resolving. What we as consumers require is an experience that resolves are immediate needs. A top web design and development professional Martin May explains design in Darwinian terms the fine line between beauty and success (of the website). My favorite take-away from the article, Darwin and the art of webdesign:

So natural selection, as applied to web design, can help you to think about your approach to designing websites and result in your site being successful, or not, in the environment it sits within.

Pretty Doesn't Always Win. Michael C, Newhouse

Michael Newhouse
WCN group


The Number #1 Social Media Fail

Has this happened to you? Your surfing the web or you followed a link to a brand's website interested in finding out more information and to possibly buy something. You get to the site and start scrolling around then you want to check on their social media channels and BAM it happens. The link opens in the same window browser or better yet it's a broken link.

When your link opens in the same window browser the visitor has now entered in to the social media black hole. Once in the black hole the amount of distractions are to enticing for even the most diligent of folks. 

social media fail number 1
Social Media Black Hole

You had one chance to convert this potential customer and now they're gone. Correct this social media fail immediately.