

The Big C

This is the Year of the Big C

One of the top characteristic's to career and personal success is Confidence. I have witnessed people that may not have all the experience, knowledge, or skillset achieve huge success by having massive loads of confidence. Would you follow a leader that lacks confidence? Of course not, but you would follow one that is confident in their ability and has a basic skillset.

Confidence: belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence, assurance. Click for confidence definition.

Michael Newhouse


What Gets More Social Media Likes

We have encountered uncharted waters where fake news is the dominant topic of matter. This topic has put into question facts which are taking a back seat (for some). Stories that are made up and well planted will quickly be shared online throughout main stream channels including news outlets.

As I researched quantum computing, I came across an article about Justin Trudeau describing what quantum computing was and how the video of this occurrence went viral. The author made the bold statement that The Trudeau story is a perfect, gleaming artifact of a system in which truth is that which gets the most Facebook shares. 

This statement lead me to question what actually receives more Likes?


Gone Are The Days Of Under Promising And Over Delivering

A trend for more than a decade, under promise and over delive has come to a bitter end. The customer service branding model was formed as an action to stand out from the competition. It found footing quickly and became part of company's branding, core values and culture. This company promise worked its way into Fortune 500 all the way to down to small businesses.

quote -  under promise and over deliver

Why was it a good business practice

Early adopters of this business practice truly believed in the process and delivered on the promise. This was not only a business practice but became part of their branding, separating them from others in their industry. As most companies adopted this practice, it became common place and transitioned into an expectation rather than a differentiator. But, as in the things in business, good things to come to end and brands must further innovate and appear archaic. 

The end occurred when a majority of people experienced negative results

First it was 2-day, then next day then the ultimate, same day delivery. Even before the Pandemic, deliveries started to fail and even more so with the Pandemic. But with this delivery promise, even in the B2B world, consumers have solidified this as an expectation. And when the promise has been failed, consumers have the world to let know via social media channels. What this expectation has created even in the business world, that product and service deliveries should have shorter lead times and if you commit to a delivery timeline, it better be met. 

What is the next customer service business practice trend

Promise clearly (achievable delivery) and deliver on that promise. Its that simple. Understand what you’re going to do, clearly communicate it the deliver on the commitment. It's almost like there needs to be behavioral retraining for customers, which can be achieved with understanding precisely your ability to complete the order along with the delivery execution. This even applies to Saas and online service companies that need to complete system integrations. Thank you Amazon for creating the consumer behavioral expectation of next day delivery for everything, even though it's unrealistic for businesses in other industries. 

Michael Newhouse
WCN group


Topics That I Post On Linkedin

Everything not only seems to be different but it really is different. The rhetoric online is vial and extreme. Everybody is trying to out-do the next. Some of this behavior has transpired on LinkedIn. Politics and religion do not belong on the platform (disclaimer: this is my view and what I impose for this channel). 

I will remain diligent with my LinkedIn content to follow the code of the platform. If I find connections repeatedly posting the content that has nothing to do with the platforms regulations, I will eventually block or remove them from my contacts. Keep LinkedIn separate from religion and politics. 

Linkedin Publishing Platform Guidelines
LinkedIn is the largest professional networking site available today. LinkedIn provides a way to connect with other professionals and helps you stay in contact with millions of users. LinkedIn is strictly used for exchanging knowledge, ideas, and employment opportunities and has increasingly become a leading tool for helping individuals expand their networks as well as find jobs in their field. See complete guidelines here.

Linkedin profile michael c newhouse

I enjoy LinkedIn more and more but do not want the unprofessional content in my feed. I have over 6,000 connections and value those relationships. I learn daily from my connections and relish in their successes. Let's keep it professional.

Michael Newhouse
WCN group


My Mantra For 2019

Quote Michael c Newhouse

The road is never straight but filled with many turns, hills and signs. Complacency is deadly. The approach and mindset is what will make the drive more successful. The key to this success is confidence. The more you have the more successful you will be and challenges will be easier to nagitate. Preparation and planning will be essential tasks.

This uear I am dedicated to "The Big C". Confidence is powerful, addicting and contaigious.

Michael Newhouse
WCN group


My Mantra For 2018

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a seriers of small things broght together. And great things are not someting accidental, but must certainly be willed", Vincent Van Gogh quote.

Vincent Van Gogh

Michael Newhouse
WCN group


Climate Change Is A Long Play Game

Climate change is a hotly debated subject in public, policital and business forums. What can't be denied is the fact that businesses are affected directly. Businesses will experience an economic impact that will challenge their resolve to be fiscually creative. In a recent article, Tom Murray describes the siutation brilliantly, "Leadership on climate and energy is driven by long term economics, not short-term politics.

tom murray article climate change

Michael Newhouse
WCN group