I was first going to title this post,
"Do you hear what I hear", but went with the other one because this is what I hear from clients, customers and people in general. One of the main reasons the
internet works and was created, is for communication between people! Pure, simple and very effective.
Communication (as defined)
1 : an act or instance of transmitting
2 a : information communicated b : a verbal or written message
3 a : a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior ; also : exchange of information b : personal rapport
As the internet developed and businesses figured out that it was a good platform to inform and sale, they brought with them the same business model of corporate
MARCOM that has worked (to a degree) for many years. A one-way model of communication talking at people and utilizing
interruption marketing techniques does not work. If you read again the definition of
communication there is a disconnect between the definition and business implementation.
In a recent
article published by Adage (written by Freddie Laker) he discussed 11 predictions for what
Social Media look like in 2012. Most notable was that of how
Social Media will require reduced acceptability of
privacy concerns (1), Search engines will be different
with real time search (3) and
Ratings Everywhere (7) businesses will need to accept open communication from consumers on their sites.
Wow, can this all be true. Do we really have to communicate and respond to our customers for all to see? YES!!!!
Now let’s see the new model of Communication:
The new model and most important aspect is the "feedback" to the sender. It is a circular process and one that will be viewed by all. Those companies that do not have this option will run the risk of being viewed as un-authentic and having something to hide. Even our
Federal Government will now allow for commentary with a more lenient Social Media policy.
Keys for Social Media success:
• Do not run and do not hide
• Create user friendly accessibility to communicate (via Website & social media platforms)
• Incorporate Google Alerts
• Develop a social media policy
• Engage with your customers - you may actually like them.